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wonton wrappers step8

Homemade Wonton Wrappers Recipe

When speaking of wonton wrappers, our first thought would probably be to buy them ready-made from the supermarket. But there are several advantages of making your own from scratch, which I will show you today.


  • 500 g medium flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon bi carb soda


  • Sift the flour and bi carb soda into a large bowl and form a ‘nest’ in the center. Crack both eggs into the center, and mix. Cover with a clean damp tea towel and leave for 5 minutes. (Figure 1,2)
  • Knead the dough into a smooth ball and turn out onto your floured work surface (corn flour works best). Sprinkle flour onto your rolling pin as well to prevent the dough sticking.
  • Roll out the dough into a rectangle shape. Fold one edge to the middle then the other edge to the middle on top. Roll again. You may need to continually sprinkle with corn flour to keep the dough from sticking. (Figure 4).
  • Slowly roll the dough into a larger piece. (Figure 5). Continue to fold one third to the middle, and then the other third likewise, each time rolling the dough wider and longer (as shown in Figure 6).
  • Continue to open the dough out by rolling from top to bottom, from left to right (Figure 7) adding more corn flour if needed.
  • Roll the dough thin enough to see your hand through it as shown in Figure 8.
  • Your dough is gradually getting thinner! (Figure 9). Now comes the tricky part, as the dough becomes difficult to turn over. Roll the dough around the rolling pin and then roll out the opposite way to turn it over (Figure 10).
  • You can adjust the size and thickness of the dough according to your needs. However, this is the thickness I use for wontons (Figure 11). I like the wonton wrappers a little thicker for added flavor.
  • Once your dough is at the desired thickness, complete the wrappers by cutting into 7cm squares with a dough cutter or large knife by pressing down evenly – do not drag the knife through the dough. (Figure 12).
  • Leftovers can be pinched together and rolled out again (Figure 15, 16).
  • Stack your wrappers sprinkling corn flour in between each to stop them sticking together.